We met up yesterday to start off our game pieces. Nick cut the alabaster stones with a hacksaw before we got to his place. (Due to the short amount of time we had, it was ideal for us to use our tools instead of making medieval ones.) While Nick was doing that, Shawn was carving out the designs for the tafl board with, once again not so medieval, a dremel tool.

Here's the design that we all thought was simple enough for us not to go wrong. I think this stage took us around an hour to pick which knots we liked to use and where to place them. It took us way longer to do that then actually carving them into the board, which took only about 20 minutes.
Nick and Shawn are working away with the files to shape the game pieces. You will probably notice that we were not wearing the best kinds of clothes for this (we all wore dark colours). Shawn was working with green game pieces, while the pink ones that Nick and I (Bona) were working on took a little more time due to the shape of the pieces and twice as many to work with.
There are some untouched and finished pieces. From the archaeological finds, we often find game pieces rather than gameboards. The factors of that could have been because of the amount of time and effort it takes to make one game piece. Nick and I both took about 20 to 30 minutes to file down the pieces so it was the right size and also, to round the top off. Because we only had two files to work with, I (Bona) ended up using the sand papers to shape. We later found out that sand papers take way longer to make a game piece compared to the files.
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